Friday, February 24, 2012

In the light...

Last Thursday (my b-day!) Mom took us and 2 friends to Omsi to see the Body Worlds display. They wouldn't let us take pics, but I can tell you it was sugusting! (that's Bailey language for 'disgusting':]) We could take pictures in the inventors room - but I couldn't keep my lens away from the lights! I had fun with them. :)

Aren't they absolutely awesomeness!? They remind me of something from a dream...

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Alphabet

I'm starting an alphabet series! I got the idea from a photo I saw at a store: 

Cool, huh? So far I only have 2 letters - and they do NOT look like this! But I'll work on it...
Here's the A!

And the O...

More to come! Also, keep your eye out for my coming-soon spring pictures!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Earlier this year, my mom took us kids to Montana to see her family. We took a surprise trip to Yellowstone with them, and thank goodness I brought my camera! The hot springs, lakes, wild flowers and animals were spectacular - and I was so enthused to be behind the lens of my camera that day. I was eager to work on different perspectives. I especially couldn't wait to get home and edit my 500 or more pictures!
Here are some of my favs: